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"Do your practice and all is coming"


  Shri K. Pattabhi Jois



Paolo Girelli nasce nel 1980.


Si interessa alle discipline orientali fin dal 1996 approfondendo gli aspetti teorici e pratici delle arti marziali, in particolare dell’Aikido e del Tai Chi.

Si avvicina all’Hatha Yoga nel 2002 e la ricerca di uno stile di Yoga più intenso e dinamico, lo portano pochi anni dopo, alla scoperta dell'Ashtanga Vinyasa.

Conseguita nel 2008 la laurea in Scienze Geologiche, abbandona la carriera scientifica per dedicarsi esclusivamente all’insegnamento e pratica dell’Ashtanga, seguendo il teacher training della Prima e Seconda Serie con Manju Pattabhi Jois, figlio di Shri K. Pattabhi Jois.

Durante questi anni ha studiato e perfezionato la propria pratica in Italia e all’estero con alcuni dei più grandi maestri: Sharath Jois, David Swenson, Chuck Miller, Marc Darby, Tim Miller, Kino MacGregor, Danny Paradise, Kristina Karitinos, Eddie Stern, Susanna Finocchi, Lino Miele, Gabriele Severini, Elena de Martin e Giuliano Vecchiè. 

Nel 2013 frequenta la scuola americana "It's Yoga" a Firenze ed ottiene la certificazione internazionale 200 ore Yoga Alliance (RYT 200).

Nel 2015, durante un ritiro in India con Elena De Martin, ha l'occasione di studiare Meditazione Trascendentale, Chanting e Filosofia dello Yoga con i famosi Maestri Jayashree e Narasimhan da Mysore.

Ha partecipato inoltre a diversi workshops di Bryan Kest, Mark Blanchard (ideatore del True Power Yoga), Christopher Harrison (ideatore dell’Antigravity Yoga) e Jonathan Urla (ideatore dello Yogilates).

Nel 2009 frequenta la famosa scuola canadese "Stott Pilates" a Milano, seguendo i corsi di formazione Matwork, Reformer e Cadillac. 

Nel 2012 partecipa al primo corso di formazione di Zen Ring (Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi) a Roma con il suo ideatore: il giapponese Naohiro Maki, diventando uno dei primi istruttori certificati (I e II livello) in Italia.

Oltre a sessioni private come personal trainer, lavora attualmente come istruttore in due centri wellness di Parma:


- Florida Wellness (Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Pilates)  

- Grounding (Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, Pilates)


Per news, ritiri e recensioni: YogaTrail




2010 - present

2010 - present

Paolo Girelli was born in 1980.


He's been interested in oriental disciplines since 1996, deepening the theoretical and practical aspects of martial arts, in particular Aikido and Tai Chi.

He approached Hatha Yoga in 2002 and, a few years later, he began reaserching for a more intensive and dynamic form of Yoga which led him to the Ashtanga practice.

In 2008 he graduated in Geology but immediately left the scientific career to exlusively dedicate himself to the Ashtanga practice, following the First and Second Series teacher trainings with Manju Pattabhi Jois, son of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois.

During those years he's been working on improving his practice both in Italy and abroad, with some of the greatest teachers: Sharath Jois, David Swenson, Chuck Miller, Marc Darby, Tim Miller, Kino MacGregor, Danny Paradise, Kristina Karitinos, Eddie Stern, Susanna Finocchi, Lino Miele, Gabriele Severini, Elena de Martin and Giuliano Vecchiè.

In 2013 he attended the American School "It's Yoga" in Florence and got the international certification "RYT 200" (200 hours Yoga Alliance).

In 2015, during a Yoga Retreat in India with Elena De Martin, he has studied Transcendental Meditation, Chanting and Yoga Philosophy with the famous Masters Jayashree and Narasimhan from Mysore.
He also took part to various workshops held by Bryan Kest, Mark Blanchard (creator of True Power Yoga), Christopher Harrison (creator of Antigravity Yoga) and Jonathan Urla (creator of Yogilates).

In 2009 he attended the famous Canadian School "Stott Pilates" in Milan, following the Matwork, Reformer and Cadillac teacher trainings.

In 2012 joined the first Zen Ring teacher training (Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi) in Rome with the creator Naohiro Maki, from Japan, becoming one of the first certified instructors in Italy (level I and II).

He currently works as a personal trainer and as an instructor in a couple of wellness centers in Parma:


- Florida Wellness (Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Pilates)  

- Grounding (Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, Pilates)  


For news, retreats and reviews: YogaTrail


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